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Our Mission

Our Misson

Add quality, attainable housing that allows seniors, veterans, formerly homeless, and people with low income to thrive in communities.  


Our Projects

Front of a house

House Before Rehab

Affordable Apartments

The Development Company was formed in January 2020, and we closed on the purchase of our first property at the end of February.  We purchased the former Howell Frame Shop on Grand River Avenue in downtown Howell.  


The plan for this property was to locate our offices on the first floor and create 2 new affordable apartments in downtown Howell.  The building needed extensive renovation after years of deferred maintenance.  


The community rallied behind us in early March of 2020, as we were awarded the first quarter donation from 100 Women Who Care in Livingston County. Our first donation for this project was over $10,000!   

Our Projects

We hit a speed bump as the COVID-19 pandemic closed all but essential businesses in mid-March.  We kept working, but zoning, planning, and construction all ground to a halt.


These obstacles were challenging and unexpected, but we did not let them stop us.


We are incredibly happy to report that we received our certificate of occupancy in May of 2021. We had our grand opening shortly thereafter.

House After Rehab


We officially moved into our new office space and rented out the two affordable apartment units to disabled veterans in June. These two veterans now call Downtown Howell their home. 

Recovery House for Women


In December of 2020, we purchased our second property in downtown Howell. What was formerly an office building was rezoned and rehabbed into transitional housing for women who want to solidify their recovery.

Community Catalysts partnered with a local nonprofit called Recovery Advocates in Livingston (RAIL). Together, the two organizations secured the needed zoning change. Community Catalysts purchased and rehabbed the property so that RAIL could focus on running the recovery house.

With the completion of this project in April of 2021, six women and a house manager are now able to live in a beautiful home while focusing on their recovery. 

Bethel Suites

Between 2022 and 2023, Community Catalysts transformed a building in extreme disrepair into Bethel Suites, providing 14 units of 'extended stay' or 'transitional housing' that range from a 'motel-style room' with a bathroom to 'apartment-style' living.


Our goal is to use this property to serve people in our community who need a safe and affordable place to land -- be it for a week, or several months until an affordable apartment becomes available.


All units have been completely rehabbed, fully furnished, and are available to rent on a week-to-week basis at affordable rates!


To learn more about Bethel Suites, join the resident waitlist, or take a virtual tour, visit the Bethel Suites website HERE.

The Connection Youth Building

In autumn of 2021, The Connection Youth Services team asked if we could help them with housing for youth coming out of homelessness.


One of our main pillars is a belief in partnership. We were so excited to have the opportunity to help The Connection Youth Services bring this vision of safe, stable housing to life.


The Connection Youth Services Building now serves youth in Livingston County who have survived homelessness and are transitioning to independent living.



COMMUNITY CATALYSTS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to:


Add attainable housing in Livingston County for the ALICE population and other lower income people. â€‹


Contact Us: | Howell, Michigan

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